Jonathan Bryan’s Profound and Inspiring Story

Eye Can Write is as mezmerising as it is thought provoking and challenging. Never mind the author’s ability to make words dance across the page, the story of Jonathan Bryan forces the reader to question their own perceptions of disability. We are all taught that appearances can be deceiving, but Jonathan teaches us not to limit the physically disabled persons abilities to our expectations of them. Without giving too much of the story away, Jonathan is a 12 year old who attends Malmesbury Secondary School. The positive view he has of the world is inspirational concidering the enormous challenges he has faced throughout his short life. Perhaps it was the long time he spent unable to communicate that gave him such a deep understanding of what it is to live, that exceeds most of our own. His achievements and the legacy he has created are truly exceptional. However, this is not only a story of Jonathan. It is also a story of a mother’s love and of a teacher’s instinct, without which we all would have missed out on all Jonathan has to offer. Eye Can Write is a must read for this summer for young and old.
